Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Is There a Plan to Draft Mitt Romney?

Perhaps so.  Tomorrow morning, Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney will hold a press conference in which he no doubt will excoriate the nasty and childish tone of the Republican campaign for president.  We’ll have to tune in to find out whether he will call out Donald Trump by name.  (My guess:  yes.) 

Because Romney has not sought the limelight since his 2012 defeat, his self-insertion into the current Republican demolition derby is noteworthy.  Maybe he’s just trying to add a voice of reason to the prevailing caca-phony.  Or maybe . . .

. . . he’s positioning himself for a last-ditch, save-the-GOP move at this summer’s Republican Convention, which could happen only if Stumpy, Lumpy, Frumpy, and Drumpfy somehow neutralize each other in the upcoming primaries, leaving the Convention in must-watch free-for-all mode. 

Stumpy:  needs Cuban heels to see over the podium

Lumpy:  he wins the title of Mr. Blobfish

Do we really want a President who challenges both Rick 
Santorum and Mr. Rogers for frumpiness?

Thank you, John Oliver.  Enough said.

I never thought I would root for Mitt Romney.  Then again, there has never been a campaign year like this one.  It would be great, and huuuuge, if he were able to swipe the nomination at a brokered (“open”) convention. 

Why?  (1) He’s relatively sane.  (2) His face does not inspire instant revulsion, like Cruz or Trump.  (3) He may be a giant stiff, but he’s not a feckless boy orator (read: Rubio).  (4) He may be a bad campaigner, but he’s not quite as tepid as Kasich; also, he has better name recognition than Kasich. 

And (5) – he would most probably lose to Hillary Clinton.  It would be a been-there, done-that Presidential race, with Mitt Romney as the most recent btdt (losing) candidate.  Hillary might seem fresh in comparison.  He also would probably lose to Bernie Sanders.  Can we say 41%, or 49%, or whatever?

Obviously, I’m pulling for a Mitt Romney coup-de-Republican-etat for a couple of reasons.  First is that any major party Presidential nominee has a fighting chance of winning.  Romney was not my choice in 2012 and would not be my choice in 2016, but if he were to win I wouldn’t stick my head in an oven or move to some Eastern Canadian bumfucklandia. Second is that I’d like to see our two major political parties promote relatively reasonable candidates, candidates who would not cause the rest of the world to collapse in laughter, disgust, or terror. 

What remains to be analyzed is what Romney actually says tomorrow – and what interests (other than Romney’s own) are behind the press conference.  I suspect that some elements of the ‘Republican Establishment’ are laying the groundwork for a party-saving Rafalca.  Stay tuned. 


  1. Replies
    1. Of course. Rafalca was one of the more entertaining characters in the 2012 race. Who doesn't like a dark horse?
